Tuesday, November 4, 2008


In the article Personhood Amendment Fails by the Denver post what matters is the right to life for every person. In the Colorado constitution it states the every person has the right to life liberty and property. This amendment puts a true definition to what a person is; it said that a person is a person from the time they are conceived. There really isn’t a definition of when a person is considered a person, and therefore it is left up to the courts to interpret what is or isn’t a person. When I think of a person I think something that has a heart, lungs, a brain, fingerprints, eyes and can feel, at just 5 weeks a baby has fingerprints, at just 8 weeks it has a brain and can feel, by ten weeks the baby looks like a human and has a gender. By 13 weeks the baby looks like a human has a brain and feels; it has bones and even fingerprints it is a person, yet it is at this 13 week mark that most abortions are performed. It gets worse many abortions are partial birth abortions where the baby is delivered all except the head then its brains are sucked out, causing its brains to collapse. This kind of abortion is usually performed between 20 and 26 weeks, by this time the baby has a detectable heartbeat can move and even has hair on its head the baby is even most of the way born, that is definitely a person. But that is still not the worst of it, even after birth abortion is still not considered murder. This is where the mother gives birth to the baby prematurely then the fully born living breathing baby is left to die. They are even issued birth and death certificates; if that is not a person then even I couldn’t be considered one. So how do they get away with all this being legal? It is because the courts have been left to define what is and isn’t a person therefore they can change the definition, making something like leaving fully born living breathing babies in a dark room to die legal. Amendment 48 would have given the word “Person” a definition therefore no longer allowing the courts to redefine the word for every case. It would entitle even the smallest person to the the constitutional rights of every person, making abortion against rights and setting the injustice straight.
Colorado Constitution
Live Birth Abortion


colleenO2011 said...


I never knew about this Ammentment and its interesting what facts you have found and its great that you voiced your opinion. I love how you connected the article to your mom.

Chaseo2012 said...

Emily- I liked your article and you presented it well. I think that the babys do have a future too and that abortion shouldn't be a right.

AaronS2012 said...

Good job talking and not relying on your notecard too much. Good topic choice, it is a big controversial issue. I think that after a while when the baby can feel and stuff I think that it could be considered murder.

joeyo2012 said...


good job on your pln. i think it should be there own choice if they want to get a obortion

NateL2012 said...

Emily- i think that you brought up a very contravertial issue and you argueded very affectively. It is very sad that your mother had an abortion and i think that every mother who has had an abortion kind of regrets what could have been and so i think abortion should be illegal except for rape.

anthonyf2012 said...

Emily- great job. you had a deep subject to alk about. Personally I believe in abortion. I don't belive abortion is murder. You should have to live with something that you don't want.

FinlayB said...

Emily- You did an awesome job presenting and explaining what your article was about.Also, great question.

BRETTG2012 said...

This is a good topic because i heard about this issue on the radio. This is a very sad because people will be fighting iver this issue for a very long time. You did a good job presenting your PLN.

NickK2012 said...

Emily- This was an emotionally hard subject to be talking about, especially since you have connections to it. Great job talking out to the audience.

KalvinP2012 said...


I think this is a serious topic and a topic that is hard to deal with. To answer your question I think that abortion is murder because this is a real life, but I think the woman giving birth has a say wheather the baby dies or lives. I personaly think everyone has the right to live. Good job.

tannerc2012 said...

Emily, your explaining on amendment 48 was a great topic to talk about. I think you should have the choice to pick if you want an abortion. I think it is murder because it is a human being and they're killing it. It is pretty much their fault for getting pregnant unless they get raped. If they did get raped they should get an abortion because you would have to live with the baby or kid and it would probably be hard to tell the kid that his or her dad was a rapist.

OliviaB2012 said...

I don't quite agree with being completely against abortion, I think it should be the woman's choice whether or not to have the abortion. I think once the baby is past a certain stage, you shouldn't be able to have an abortion, but I think you should be able to choose any time before that. You also did a great job, and brought up some very good points.

calebw2012 said...

Emily, I think that abortion is horrible. I think that if you have been raped that you should be able to get an abortion. But you shouldn't have to, people should just have the baby and then give it up for adoption. Good job.

mitchell2012 said...

Emily, execlent topic, you had a great example and you spoke very well. To answer your question I think anyone should be able to do it because it is their choice if they want a little kid or not but they first have to think about the long term effects. I also think that you should only have one if it is before the baby starts to become a person.

MaureenI70464 said...

Emily- you had a very good point and did a great a job explaining this, and expressing your opinion. This is all very true. You had a lot to relate to from outside of your article, i think you did a great job. And really kept the discussion going. You did an awesome job.

EthanR2012 said...

This was really good. I thought you really got people talking and your PLN made people open up about things that people dont talk about a lot. I think your PLN was amazing. Great job Emily.

ruthl2012 said...

Good topic I really liked it because I feel that abortion is okay. I liked how you were against abortion and supported why its wrong.I also liked your question because it was hard to answer a topic that deep. You did a great job.

paiges2012 said...

I really agree on your opinion on abortion. I agree that abortion really affects people emotionally, and physically. I think that once a child is conceived, they are a human, and have all the rights of a human. You have really good speaking skills. You did really well in making eye contact with more than one person. Good job!

Anonymous said...

I think it is cruel to kill humans. If the woman can't have a baby then she shouldn't take the chance of having a baby.

MollyB said...

your connection that you made was so emotional and it really made me think. I think that your presentation is the best i have seen. You have just inspired me to research more for my PLN presentation. I also think it is amazing that you did not state your opinion. It really let me see both sides of the situation and you seemed so open and understanding to everyones opinion. your presentation was amazing. no negatives what so ever. thank you so much for bringing this topic to the classroom. it gave me a chance to express my opinion.

breannas2012 said...

I really love how you looked up more information past the article and related it to your life. You did amazing with eye contact. I think abortion is murder under any circumstance. No matter if you were rapped or what. It’s wrong and it should be outlawed. If the mom doesn’t want the kid then she should put him up for adoption. You did AMAZING! :]