Saturday, November 22, 2008

PLN 13

In the article Donations sought, even as gas prices drop by the Denver post what matters is the community helping out those who are suffering from the failing economy. Even with the decreasing gas prices there are many people that nay have a hard time heating their houses this winter. Communities and organizations all over are pulling together to raise money to help out these families. I think that it is important for us to help those in need; after all if I was in need I certainly want someone to help me. One of my favorite memories is one Christmas when me, my family and two other families made a whole bunch of sack lunches then went downtown and handed them out to who ever looked like they needed some food. I loved doing this because watching how grateful they were was one of the most precious things I have ever seen. I think that if we all pitched in a little bit not only would those who are struggling be better off but I think that it would make everyone realize how much they have to be grateful for. One of the biggest problems with our society today is that we are never satisfied with what we are fortunate enough to have. Some people won’t have heat this Christmas, but some will be given heat because of their community pulling together to help through donations, and organizations.

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