Wednesday, November 19, 2008

PLN 12

In the article All alone (almost) at the top by the rocky mountain news what matters is how Barack Obama’s coming presidency has and will affect him and his family. The article talks about how his house is already blocked off and he rides in an armored limousine. Soon they will have to take away practically all of his connection to the outside world. He was probably expecting this and therefore he is just fine with it. But I think that it will be an extremely hard change for his wife and daughters to get used to. They will likely have to give up a lot as well. His kids will have to leave their friends, they probably will no longer attend school instead they will have a tutor. It would be extremely hard to grow up in the white house. Although it would be a fascinating experience, they are going to miss out on a lot. They won’t get to go out, or be with friends. However I think that it is wonderful how much they support him and that they are willing to sacrifice all that so that he can live his dream. It will be a big change for all of them but they are willing to do it to support Barack.

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