Tuesday, November 11, 2008

PLN 10

In the article Senior Citizen Appreciation Day by the Nata Village blog what matters is recognizing their seniors. This village has decided that those who are sixty five and older deserve to be honored at least one day a year. They hoped that this event will give the village a lasting appreciation for their seniors. Senior citizens do deserve to be honored. They are the ones that have worked their whole life to try and make the world better for those that will come after them, and they often go unnoticed. It is a quality society once possessed, respect and appreciation for those older than you, but somewhere along the way that has gotten lost, and it has become a “me first” world. I see it all the time. People sliding past an old man with a cane so that they can get through the door, and get where they want to be, when they should be taking thirty seconds out of their day to hold the door and show a little respect. I admit that I often do the same thing, and my generation has gotten so bad that we are characterized by disrespect. If we had some respect for those older than us then, they would be more likely to respect us, and therefore I believe a large part of the generation gap could be breached. The Nata village is doing a good thing by teaching kids that seniors deserve to be honored.

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